☔ Weather
The Weather Widget uses your location to display the current, highest and lowest temperature. The Widget uses open-meteo.com to retrieve weather data.
The Weather Widget uses your location to display the current, highest and lowest temperature. The Widget uses open-meteo.com to retrieve weather data.
All user preferences are stored on the server and will synchronize accross your devices automatically.
Enabling Dark Mode
The Torrent widget uses Integrations to display a list of torrents with their name, download/upload speed and progress.
Do you run surveilance cameras? Or maybe you have a favourite video?
The media server widget enables you to watch and view current active sessions over all your media servers.
If you application is not supported natively by Homarr, you can integrate it using the iframe widget.
The entity state (aka. Home Assistant) enables you to display the current state of an entity from Home Assistant.
Homarr offers a Docker Container, which can be run on any compatible system, such as Unraid, Kubernetes and many more systems! Our Docker container is based on the `node:16-alpine image and serves per standard on the port 7575`.
The media requests widget enables you to integrate with Overseerr and Jellyseerr.
The Usenet widget uses Integrations to display a list of usenets with their name, download/upload speed and progress.
How to get to the customize page
The calendar Widget will use Integrations to display upcoming content.
The Dash. widget will integrate your existing Dash. instance into Homarr. The graphs will be integrated using iframe.
Homarr automatically requests icons from an external repository, but if you don't have access to the internet at all time or want to reduce network traffic, you may want to use a local cache. A cache retrieves the pictures from the external source, stores them on your local disk and serves them from there. This way, you can use Homarr without internet access and reduce the amount of requests to the external repository.
Allowing self-signed certificates
The Clock Widget will display the current time and date. The Widget will use your current system time. If you are using Docker, ensure that the timezone is set correctly.
The notebook widget focuses on usability and is designed to be as simple as possible to bring a familiar editing experience to regular users. It is based on Tiptap.dev and supports most of its features.
If you're running a PiHole or AdGuard Home instance, you might want to display statistics on your dashboard or control them.
Congratulations! You've installed Homarr. Now, it's time to configure it to your liking. This guide will help you get started with Homarr.
The Download Speed Widget use Integrations to display your current download and upload speed of supported Download Clients.
Icon search
The App is the center element in integration and direct link to the applications available on your server(s).
Integrations are a useful way to further connect and manage your network.