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🚀 Installation

Homarr can be installed in many ways. For most users, Installation using Docker will be sufficient and the easiest.

Installation using Docker

Docker is a free Software that isolates Homarr using containers. Using Docker, you can run Homarr on any supported platform (including Windows and Raspberry Pi), easily.



To install Homarr using Docker, simply run the following command.

docker run  \
--name homarr \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p 7575:7575 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v <your-path>/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs \
-v <your-path>/homarr/data:/data \
-v <your-path>/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons \

Docker will mount the configuration files and icons to your host machine. Please make sure to replace <your-path> from the docker run command with your desired storage location. The path must be absolute.


Make sure all your volumes path are pointing at different folders or the mounting will fail. Example of what NOT to do:

-v apps/homarr:/app/data/configs \
-v apps/homarr:/app/public/icons \
-v apps/homarr:/data

Instead do:

-v apps/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs \
-v apps/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons \
-v apps/homarr/data:/data


To update Homarr, you must remove your container first. Make sure that you've mounted your data and that you have access to it, so your configuration doesn't get lost.

  1. Run docker rm homarr to remove the container.
  2. Pull the latest Homarr image docker pull
  3. Re-run the command you used to install Homarr.

This process can get tideous, if you update frequently. Thus, we recommend the installation using docker-compose for more experienced users.


Want to update all your containers automatically? Checkout Watchtower a service which will automatically update your containers on a set interval.

Installation using Docker Compose or Portainer Stacks



To install Homarr using Docker Compose, simply create a file called docker-compose.yml and paste the following code into it.

version: '3'
# Homarr - A simple, yet powerful dashboard for your server. #
container_name: homarr
restart: unless-stopped
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration
- ./homarr/configs:/app/data/configs
- ./homarr/icons:/app/public/icons
- ./homarr/data:/data
- '7575:7575'

Then, run docker-compose up -d in the same directory. This will start the Homarr container in the background.


Docker compose creates a network by default. Some integrations may not work (specifically Dash.) when the network internal hostname is used since clients do not know this name. It is recommended that you either use a local network wide hostname or the IP directly. An alternative is to create a DNS record with the same internal compose stack hostname for all clients outside.


To update Homarr using Docker Compose or Portainer Stacks, simply pull the latest image and restart the container.

  1. Run docker pull to pull the latest image.
  2. Re-run docker-compose up -d or re-deploy the stack in Portainer.

Installation using the Unraid Community App Store

You can install Homarr directly from your Unraid Dashboard, no terminal required.


Install the Community Apps Plugin

Open Installation Guide


Don't know whether you have the plugin installed or not? Search for this tab in the navigation:


After you've installed the Community Apps Plugin, you can install Homarr from the Unraid Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the tab "Apps".
  2. Search for "Homarr" and click on the result.
  3. Click on "Install" and adjust the settings to your liking.

After you've installed Homarr, you can find it under the tab "Docker".

The official support thread is located here, but we prefer to communicate over GitHub and Discord instead.

Installation on Synology

The installation process is quite easy and fast on Synology devices. Since this method is used less often, we recommend you to follow this guide written by mariushosting.


This is a third party guide! It might not be up-to-date, nor do we offer official support.

Installation on QNAP

When installing on QNAP, we recommend you to install Homarr using Container Station or this third-party image.

There is also a guide available, but note that it is written in Chinese:


This is a unvalidated third party guide! It might not be up-to-date, nor do we offer official support.

Installation using Saltbox

You can also use this to install on Saltbox:

sb install sandbox-homarr

This is a unvalidated third party guide! It might not be up-to-date, nor do we offer official support.

Installation on TrueNas Scale

Although Homarr is available from the Official TrueNas Scale Catalog, we recommend using the Truecharts catalog instead as they update to the latest release faster and offer more customization.

It is also recommended to make the volumes in there into HostPaths so you can access the folders easily.


Don't use the same final destination folder twice as this will cause problems.

Building from source


Installing Homarr from source is not recommended and only intended for developers and contributors, please use the Docker installation method instead.

  1. Clone the Repository using git clone
  2. Enter the created directory using cd homarr
  3. Install all dependencies using yarn install
  4. Build the source using yarn build
  5. Copy the example.env file to .env
  6. Run yarn db:migrate and wait that it completes
  7. Start the NextJS web server using yarn start
  8. Alternatively, use yarn dev to run a live development server.

Installation using Easypanel

Easypanel is a modern server control panel. If you run Easypanel on your server, you can deploy Homarr with 1 click on it.

Deploy to Easypanel

Installation using Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, easing deployment of applications like Homarr. The Helm chart for Homarr simplifies its deployment on any supported platform by Kubernetes, enabling efficient scaling and management.



To install Homarr using Helm chart, please follow this steps.

helm install homarr oci://
Example using override values :
helm install homarr oci:// --namespace homarr --create-namespace --values=override.yaml
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: "0.14.2"
enabled: true
className: traefik
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- hosts:
- ""
- ""
secretName: homelab-tls

All available values are listed on the artifacthub. If you find any issue please open an issue on github

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the homarr deployment

helm uninstall homarr

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart including persistent volumes and deletes the release.

Installation as a Home Assistant Add-on

Homarr can be seamlessly integrated into your Home Assistant setup with this add-on. This is perfect for users who rely on Home Assistant as their primary server and don't have a separate device for hosting.


  • Home Assistant
  • Add-ons are only available if you've used the Home Assistant Operating System or Home Assistant Supervised installation method.


  1. Add Repository: Navigate to your Home Assistant Supervisor panel, and go to the Add-on Store. Add the following repository URL: or click this button Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

  2. Install the Add-on: Search for "Homarr Server" in the Add-on Store and select it. Click on "Install" to start the installation process.

  3. Start the Add-on: Once installed and configured, start the Homarr Server add-on from the Home Assistant Supervisor panel.

  4. Access Homarr: Homarr will be available at http://<your-home-assistant-ip>:7575. Open this address in your browser to access your Homarr dashboard.

Your configuration, data and icons will be saved at /shares


Having trouble installing Homarr on your system? Check out our FAQ and Known Issues. If you are still running into issues, please contact us in our Discord server.

Anything else in mind?

Have you installed Homarr using a different method? Please share it with us, so we can expand to a bigger userbase!